Welcome to Guitar Grenade! This is a one stop for all of the Guitar playing resources. If you are looking for beginner guitar lessons or pro lessons, everything is available here, and of course -for free-. I have written all of the articles myself to make sure people learn more and more from them in an easy manner. Don't forget to comment on my posts and follow me on my blog, that's all I ask for. Have a great day!

July 06, 2010

On The Path Of Rockstars (Part 1)

Hey, I want to buy and learn guitar!  I whispered into the ear of my colleague and watched him as he gazed in disbelieve when he said; “man it’s my dream too, I mean I wanna play guitar too.” “Wow, let’s do this than!” I said with an excitement. “yeah, let’s talk about it in the break.” he said with beaming eyes. As far as I remember it was year 2005 or 2006 and it was a time when I was working as a successful telemarketer in an international call center and was rocking not only my company but was breaking the records of entire telesales industry. It was a time when the call center revolution had just arrived in Pakistan and was conceived like phenomena. As the call center industry in Pakistan was moving forward so was I. within few months of my career as a telemarketer I became the...

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