You can also play G major with a string of B open:
G Major
0 1 2 3 4 5
And |-|—|—|- 3 -|—|—|
B | 0 |—|—|—|—|—|
G | 0 |—|—|—|—|—|
D | 0 |—|—|—|—|—|
A 1 |-|—|- -|—|—|—|
And |-|—|—|- 2 -|—|—|
This form is more commonly used in folk and country, while the first form is more common in the rock. This has to do with B, which is the third largest: a distorted sound with the third can cause some ugly connotation when played on the strings above. As you learn guitar chords, make sure you try to play them with a variety of tones and pay attention to what sounds best for you. Also practice, getting your fingers in the right places as quickly as possible. Be patient: guitar chords learning takes time and practice. Focus on getting a clean sound all the notes and you'll improve quickly.
Let's take a look at another very common chord, E major (E, G #, B):
E Major
0 1 2 3 4 5
E | -0 -|—|—|—|—|—|
B | -0 -|—|—|—|—|—|
G |—|- 1 -|—|—|—|—|
D |—|—|- 3 -|—|—|—|
A 2 |—|—|- -|—|—|—|
E | -0 -|—|—|—|—|—|
The chord guitar and is very easy to friction and, again, you see that all the strings are strummed. Pay attention to the fingerings: learn the fingerings wrong now and you have bad habits that will hold you back later. Now let's look at a large:
A Major
0 1 2 3 4 5
And | -0 -|—|—|—|—|—|
B |—|—|- 3 -|—|—|—|
G |—|—|- 1 -|—|—|—|
D |—|—|- 2 -|—|—|—|
A | -0 -|—|—|—|—|—|
E |-x-|—|—|—|—|—|
Note that 'x' the low E string? This means that the string is not supposed to be scratched. And even that is part of the chord A major (A, C #, E), the bass makes the chord sound very muddy and hides the note of a root. Then, after you have twisted the fingers of your left hand around the rope, pay attention paid only to choose the five strings. In addition, make sure you can hear the high E string. This is really one of the beginner guitar chords you will learn difficult, simply because fingers are in an area so small. Stick with it, though, and follow the suggested fingering.
Once you can play an important role try switching between E major and a major. Take your time: a very slow transition, clean, with all notes sounding clearly sounds much better than a handful of notes lost and muted strings. Once you can back and forth, try a simple rhythm guitar beginner: Strum And twice, then A twice, and so on. Start very, very slowly, then try to pick up the speed a little. You'll quickly see why the fingering suggested should be followed: noting that the first finger remains in the same sequence and only moves up a fret, while the other fingers kind of bounce around the first finger.
Now let's add another chord, and then we try a transition tricker. Here's C major (C, E, G):
C major
0 1 2 3 4 5
E | -0 -|—|—|—|—|—|
B |—|- 1 -|—|—|—|—|
G | -0 -|—|—|—|—|—|
2 D |—|—|- -|—|—|—|
A 3 |—|—|—|- -|—|—|
E |-x-|—|—|—|—|—|
Note that once again the low E string is not touched. About this chord can let the third finger to touch the E string a little, which can help silence any unwanted noise in the chain. Make sure to keep strong pressure on the string, however.
Now, here's another rhythm guitar beginner: try strumming G twice, then C twice, and so on. This transition is more complicated because all fingers jumping too fast. Take it slow: as you're learning guitar chords the focus must be on a clean tone. Keep practicing this rate until you can move back and forth between G and C quickly and cleanly.
March 30, 2010
Beginner Guitar Chords Made Easy ( part 2)

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